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Think so. Anyway Ruzor's no good except for the south and they don't need wool there anyway not a lot. Besides the Analerians have their own sheep. " Lyasa shrugged as if the implications were obvious. "Sterol and Jeslek both spoke in the meeting. . . that's what I overheard. " "They're worried about Recluce. " "Cerryl the Guild has been worried about Recluce since the time of Creslin and Jenred the Traitor. " Faltar laughed then turned to Lyasa. "What about Recluce?" Lyasa lifted her shoulders again then dropped them. "I don't know. Not for sure but the prefect of Gallos doesn't listen much to Sverlik and the Spidlarian Traders' Council has never allowed a white mage into Spidlaria. Not in years anyway. " "Trouble in the west then?" asked Cerryl. "With the traders preferring to use the sea and Recluce?" "And not to pay road taxes to Fairhaven " suggested Faltar. .
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